
Year of Knowledge

A year of learning one thing per day on different subjects, including learnings when traveling in Europe. I only started in March, but found the time to write something almost every day.


The Year of Knowledge is part of my yearly theme for 2023. The theme being purposefully vague, I’ve taken a bit of time to figure out how to concretely work towards this theme. Then, it clicked: just write something I learned each day, whatever it is. Like most people, I remember information much better when I’ve done the job of summarizing it and writing it down.

The setup

To achieve 365 days of writing something new each day, I needed to have an editor both on my phone and my computer. The phone for most days, is accessible from anywhere, and the computer is mostly for editing, for longer inputs, or simply when I am in the mood for it.

Obsidian turned out to be perfect for that purpose: the text editor is simple and powerful and the text is plain markdown. Obsidian has a paid synchronization feature, that looks very well made and completely worth it in most cases. Still, I started looking for alternatives and handling the sync “myself”. After a quick failed attempt of using Git, I settled with the community plugin Remotely Save and a WebDAV server on my VPS, using a nice Go implementation of the protocol: dave (now unmaintained).

All days (french only)