Hi, my name is Roland and I’m passionate about code, product design, and entrepreneurship. I’ve worked since 2018 on building Neopolis, a mobile game that uses real-world data as game assets, as well as the company around it alongside two co-founders: Lucas and Ben. More info can be found on Revolt Games’s website.

I always have one or two side projects in the making, and (thankfully) some make it to working stage. I mainly write stuff in Flutter, Go, and Typescript. I plan to share some of them on this website, happy reading! If you don’t know where to start, the projects marked with a ⭐️ are my very favorite.


My latest side-projects, with explanatory posts about the motivations behind each project, the design process, and key learnings.

Reading notes


My email address is, which can be found on my Github profile. To comment or request a change on this website, you can create an issue or even make a PR on the website’s repository.